Twitter chats 101

By now you've heard about joining twitter chats but what are they and why should you use them?

Simply put, Twitter chats are 1 hour long, hashtag networking events.  It's where you can actively listen, find industry leaders and cut out all the noise (additional tweets) that aren't relevant to your desired focus at that time.

Why join in on a Twitter chat? 
When joining a Twitter chat, you can find clients, peers and even share your ever expanding knowledge on the industries you love.

How do I interact in a Twitter chat?
Questions are normally followed by a number.
Answers are given according to that number.

Here's an example:
You enter a chat and see Q4  How do you use Twitter chats to actively listen to your clients?  A few minutes later you may see A4 by viewing what questions people are asking.

Join a few and watch the way you think about Twitter chats.

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