How to use Snapchat in your business
I'm an avid #Snapchat storyteller, so I fall into many of the statistics listed below. But that isn't why I'm writing this blog post. I'm actually writing it for those looking for a new way to talk to their target audience without the feeling of being overly salesy. Yeah, I know "salesy" isn't a word but I use it because I know you know exactly what I'm talking about. I also wrote this post for the person who keeps hearing about snapchat and finally decided to type "how to to market my business on snapchat" in their favorite search engine and the first time business owner who knows their target market is the millinials.
You see, the rise of the millenials has made advertisers realize that, in order to sell to them, they've got to really feel like they know you and that you're really about sustaining whatever cause they are attracted to. In this new day and age, you've got to be human to be relevant! And that is why adding Snapchat to your editorial calender is very important. Well, that and these statistics:
You see, the rise of the millenials has made advertisers realize that, in order to sell to them, they've got to really feel like they know you and that you're really about sustaining whatever cause they are attracted to. In this new day and age, you've got to be human to be relevant! And that is why adding Snapchat to your editorial calender is very important. Well, that and these statistics:
- More than 3 billion Snaps are created every day
- On average, daily users launch it over 18 times per day.
- More that 55 percent of Snapchat’s daily users create content every day.
- Of those daily users a majority of them spend over 30 minutes on the app.
Now that you've got this information, it's time to develop a strategy, right? Ok, well there is no time like the present so let's get to it!
The first thing you'll want to do is take a moment during the end of your week and decide on what upcoming events, launches, new products you'll want to introduce or any current issues your company has going on.
Create a jaw dropping title (yes, you'll be writing a blog post or doing an extended video to post on your blog after snapping is done), so make sure that your "topic of the day," is clever and is exactly what your viewers are looking for.
Next, you'll want to detail each snap. Think of each snap as a piece of a list and touch on each of the topics for 2 but no more than three "snaps."
Last but not least, make sure to spread the love around with your CTA, call to action. Make sure that you ask them to screen shot your snaps and share them on their other social channels, leave a comment or direct message you.
P.S. Remember, people on Snapchat know if you're being authentic or if what you're giving them is scripted content so make sure to stick to what you know and don't be afraid to save a blooper and add it at the end of the day.
Still need a few ideas to get your started? No worries, I've got you covered!