What to post on Sunday
I want you to come in every morning and set your intention.
What is your intention for today we're not talking about the week we're not talking about the month, just the intention for the day? What is your intention for today? Is it to be lazy? Technically we don't have lazy moments anymore.
Is it to lay back and enjoy your day off?
Is it to plan out your week?
Is it to batch your content?
Whatever that is take a moment, think about it, rest in it, write it down. My intention is to go live on Clubhouse, the Content Creation Tips Facebook group and on Instagram live everyday for 5 minutes to give you a hashtag and maybe a couple of captions.
My intention for doing that is to give you a hashtag that you can use to batch your content for an entire month. But more than just giving you a hashtag, I'll also give you a few caption ideas. I mean cause honestly, what is a photo or video if it doesn't have a caption the caption to stop the scroll? Captions always always get those people who are readers to stop for brief second and see exactly what it is that you are going to be talking about.
OK today's hashtag is #Sunday and here are a few caption ideas that you can utilize to get in front of your idea clients:
- #Sunday on Sunday I normally ___________. What do you do on Sunday?
- What feelings come over you every Sunday?
- Every Sunday I set my intentions....
- #SundayScripture Share with your followers a particular scripture you'll be meditating on for the week.
- Dream like there is no tomorrow!
- Life sometimes gets hectic that's why there's Sunday
- You can't make it to the finish line if you stop running you can take a break that's why there's Sunday
- Sometimes it feels like everything is happening at once and then there's Sunday
- If you can't do great things you can do small things great! Thank God for Sunday
- Sunday is about gratitude stop being afraid and be happy
- CAUTION!! Falling asleep on Sunday evening will cause you to wake up on Monday.
When you're done posting you Sunday content, I'd love it if you'd tag me on Instagram @eventsandideas.