Facebook for event planners

You're on Facebook to effectively market your event planning business, aren't you?  Well honestly, you're here for friends and family but you're also here for business and that's a good thing.  But let's make it a "better" thing.

Are you like most event planners on Facebook?  The majority of event professionals spend time, every day, telling people about their event planning business.  With little to no engagement.

You've probably talked to other event planners, balloon artist and other event professionals who created numerous status posts displaying the beauty of your passion, gorgeously designed events, with the words “book now” or “call now” splattered across the post.  Or, you may have done like I used to do and posted in all of the event planner groups and received a few ‘likes’ and a few comments like, “This is nicel” or “Where'd you get X” in the comment section.

Sounds familiar?

If it does,  I'm gonna share a few Facebook secrets that you may not have heard of.  A few of these might help to  turn some of those likes into clients.

Secret number one:  Patience, is key.  Facebook was designed for people to connect, share stories, and pictures about ‘what’s on their mind’, as the empty status page prompts.  So growing your business plage, without ads will take a little time.

Secret number two:  People don't want to be sold to, which means if your posts can't always be about your event planning business. Recognizing that will help you change the way we engage with our followers.

Secret number three:  Use Facebook to create AWARENESS, about current events, trends and industry standards.  This will help  your current audience see you as a resource.  When they see that it isn't always about the money and that you genuinely care about them being in the know, they'll be more willing to talk about your services, which will inevitably create new customers.

Secret number four:  Provide value, through stories.  A third of you posts should tell others how you've helped others save money, time, frustrations, etc

Secret number five:  Invite former clients, vendors, sponsors to share their story by way of interviews, photos, letters.  The more others speak about your professionalism and ease of communication, the more others will be willing to to use your services.  Word of mouth marketing is sometimes more effective than paid ads. 

Secret number six:  Consistently check your Facebook Insights.  Here is where you'll find the best times to post your content, what content resonates with your audience, how long videos are watched and so much more. 

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