5 things I learned at #SponsorshiipBootcamp
My greatest take away at #SBC17 was the sheer fact that social media for events is exactly why I was created and that I am actually operating in my gifts.
I also learned that teaching event organizers to use social media at their own events can be done in almost any place at record time if you give them hands on training. Whis is why I've decied to host classes online from a platform like "Zoom" or "Crowdcast" I've got to test them both out and see which is a better fit for my demographic.
I also learned that teaching event organizers to use social media at their own events can be done in almost any place at record time if you give them hands on training. Whis is why I've decied to host classes online from a platform like "Zoom" or "Crowdcast" I've got to test them both out and see which is a better fit for my demographic.
Now on to what I learned about #EventSponsorship. +RobertoCandelaria over at +RobertoTeaches instilled in my mental that #sponsorhip is easy but you've got to put in the work! He also spoke on the fact that you're just a few people away from who you need to speak to, to get the sponsorship you need. The most important thing I learned is that your story or the story of your non-profit, is important to building your brand and sponsorship.